ga('send', 'pageview'); unMASKing with Male Educators: School-Community Partnership - Tending The Fire: A Journeymen Podcast

Episode 1

unMASKing with Male Educators: School-Community Partnership

Published on: 20th March, 2025

"This conversation originally aired on the podcast 'Unmasking with Male Educators.'"

Ashanti Branch is the Founder and Executive Director of the Ever Forward Club, a nonprofit that comes alongside high schoolers and mentors them on their path to becoming who they are meant to be. Ashanti is on a mission to change the way that students interact with their education and the way schools interact with students. Today he sits down with Jordan to discuss the importance of after and in-school programs partnered with volunteers from outside the school system!

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About the Podcast

Tending The Fire: A Journeymen Podcast
Illuminating the path of initiation, brotherhood, and mature masculinity.
What does it mean to step into your power as a man? How do we reclaim the wisdom of initiation and mentorship in a world that often leaves young men to navigate their journey alone?

Tending the Fire is a podcast dedicated to exploring these questions and more. Rooted in the mission of Journeymen Triangle, this space is for seekers, mentors, and men of all ages who believe in the power of authentic brotherhood, personal growth, and the ancient tradition of guiding the next generation.

Join us as we share stories of initiation, challenge outdated narratives of masculinity, and cultivate the tools needed to become the men our communities need.

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Journeymen mentors young men (ages 13-19) during their transformation to becoming men.

Our mentors model healthy masculinity and nurture self-awareness and emotional growth, while supporting and challenging boys to discover their unique gifts. Journeymen Triangle is a 501C3 Charitable Organization. Find our More at
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About your hosts

Jordan Bowman

Profile picture for Jordan Bowman
Jordan is the Executive Director of Journeymen Triangle, a community mentoring organization that seeks to ensure that young men have access to a community of conscious, healthy men of integrity to support them in their transition to adulthood.

He is also an Associate within the Business Sustainability Collaborative at NC State University.

Outside of these two roles, he works as a mentor, coach, consultant, and facilitator for social impact projects and still finds time to enjoy yoga, good food, and friends.

Joey Spry

Profile picture for Joey Spry